Semesterstängt v. 28 - 31
HNP har stängt för semester v. 28-31 (11/7 – 5/8) och vår personal tar sommarledigt. Vi är tillbaka igen måndagen d 8:e Augusti. Vi önskar våra kunder, leverantörer och andra samarbetspartners en riktigt skön sommar och tackar för ett fint samarbete.
HNP is closed for vacation from July 11th to August 5th and our staff will be have some summer holiday. We will be back on Monday August 8th. We wish all our customers, suppliers and other business partners a nice summer och thanks for a great cooperation.
HNP Steel Service Center is an independent steel service centre. It was founded by Heinz Nilsson in 1982. Today, the company is owned by Heinz Nilsson and Pether Nilsson. HNP Steel Service Center supplies steel in the form of strip, coils and sheets in most dimensions and grades available on the market to businesses and industries in Sweden and the rest of the Nordic region. Our customers consist of industries and business both large and small in the engineering, ventilation, construction, and automotive industries.